M³ Anthology of Writings – Once An Island, Now An Ocean(Vol. 3 & 4, 180 pages, color photos)



M³ releases M³ Anthology of Writings – Once An Island, Now An Ocean Vol. 3 & 4 (180 pages, color photos) edited by Sara Serpa and Jen Shyu, with the support of Kyla Marshell and Naomi Extra as Development Editors.  The second of an exciting archive of writings that takes control of the narrative with regard to the work of underrepresented musicians.

We are so proud to continue this publication, as we truly believe it provides another kind of far-reaching support for those reading around the world. We believe these writings normalize conversations that are oftentimes only whispered amongst ourselves and might keep someone who feels marginalized from giving up. As Shanta Nurullah said later in her Lifetime Achievement Award speech, “This is why M³ is so important. This is why you have to keep on doing this thing, and you have to keep on breaking down doors and creating situations for yourself and other women. Just don’t give up.”

You will be able to find common threads in the texts presented here, written by the musicians from our Winter Solstice 2021 and Fall Equinox 2022.  It is hard to ignore that some of these writings that focus on gender issues come from a younger generation, a generation that has found a space to verbalize silences that have been absorbed, disrupting the “peace” that we have accepted as normal for so long. As bell hooks says, “On one hand it’s amazing how much sexist thinking has been challenged and has changed. And it’s equally troubling that with all these revolutions in thought and action, patriarchal thinking remains intact.” 

There are so many ways to be a successful musician, and this volume is proof of that. We hope you enjoy reading this anthology as much as we have enjoyed editing it.

M³ Anthology of Writings – Once An Island, Now An Ocean Vol. 3 & 4  (180 pages, color photos) with contributions from:

Summer Solstice 2021 Cohort:

Milena Casado
Layale Chaker
Rebekah Heller
Rani Jambak
Song Yi Jeon
Eli Maliwan AKA Saxreligious
Ria Modak
Diane Monroe
Thandi Ntuli
Francesca Tanksley
Barbara Togander 

Winter Solstice 2021 Cohort:

Jessica Ackerley
Goussy Célestin
Leonor Falcón
Devon Gates
Ruth Naomi Floyd
Gabi Motuba
Francesca Remigi
Paula Shocron
Naomi Moon Siegel
Ni Nyoman Srayamurtikanti
Cansu Tanrikulu
Wenjun Wu